Thursday, 7 April 2011

My interview experience

So this week, I had my interview for my feature story. The person that I decided to interview was Coach McNeil, who some of you may know as the Geometry teacher here at LASA. Overall, I think that my interviewing experience went well. I didn't really have much trouble trying to schedule a time to interview him, and there weren't really any awkward moments. I will admit though, that I was a bit sick during the interview, so I imagine that I sounded really unenthusiastic and also noticed that I had trouble trying to say what I wanted to ask. He was still able to understand what I was asking though, and gave some really good answers and quotes that I could use in writing my piece. My feature piece itself is going to be about him, and his experiences that he's had with sports throughout his entire life (he apparently has had a lot of experience, seeing as he's a coach here at the school). So, overall, I think the interview went pretty smoothly.

Also, just so that this post doesn't seem to boring, there was a man who drove around a car with some friends in New Mexico. Thing is, he apparently didn't know that one friend was dead the entire time, since he thought that she was just sleeping. His other friends in the car seemed to notice, but he didn't. That must've been awkward for his friends.



  1. Hmm that's rather strange...(about the dead body)

  2. Well that's pretty cool. It's pretty interesting to be able to interview somebody who is a teacher and also a coach. We had a teacher/coach like that at my middle school to, and we would sometimes call him Mr. Coach Galan

    -Los Spurs
