Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Opinion Leads-MAP

Opinion Lead 1
Rhetorical Question:
Is marching band really worth it? Do all those long hours pay off? Do your social skills really improve? The only true way to find out the answer to all of these questions is by joining marching band and actually experiencing the activity yourself.


People outside of marching band say that it takes up too much time and makes a student struggle in school. LBJ marching band students and band directors disagree. They actually say that it helps a child stay organized and it helps the student in school.

Opinion Lead 3
Compare and Contrast:

A few years ago the LBJ marching band used to be one of the “lame-est” activities to be involved in, that is until band director Don Haynes showed up and completely turned the program around. Mr.Haynes made people passionate about marching band and music in general. Marching band is now one of the most popular and fun activities at the school.


  1. I would do that too. it gives good information.

  2. i would go with 1st one, it will be more credible, third one is too cheesy, and it sounds like your doing an article on mr. hanyes.

  3. I liked the Rhetorical question. It made me really think if band was really worth it.

  4. I like the third one, but it needs a bit of rework. Elaborate on what marching band used to be like in the old days and then give a strong description of what it's like now to provide a clearer contrast.
